History Now’s K. Ken Johnston has curated, installed, and written interpretive tours and support programs for a number of exhibits for various museums and historic sites – both traditional indoor gallery exhibits and interactive outdoor Living History exhibits. Featured below are examples of these exhibits.
The Year of Three Kings – Northeast Georgia History Center, Gainesville GA
Mounted in 2015 and 2018 this exhibit featured a full size replica (one of three such in the world) of the 11th century Bayeux Tapestry (depicting the Norman Conquest of Anglo-Saxon England). Presented in conjunction with the exhibit, Hands-on activities and Living History demonstrations included dressing in period clothing, art/coloring stations, playing themed board game, as well as Anglo-Saxon cooking and martial culture.

The De Soto Expedition of 1540 – Georgia Renaissance Festival, Fairburn GA – Northeast Georgia History Center, Gainesville GA – Braselton Renaissance Faire, Braselton GA
This outdoor, interactive Living History Exhibit interprets Hernando De Soto’s march through what is now the Southeastern United States and the effect of the expedition on the Native American Mississippian Cultures encountered. Below is a video of the exhibit from the Georgia Renaissance Festival.
Surveying the Frontier/Bartram’s Travels – Northeast Georgia History Center, Gainesville GA – Elachee Nature Center, Gainesville GA
As part of the Surveying the Frontier exhibit, History Now’s K. Ken Johnston curated and interpreted a gallery/touring exhibit of the boat and equipment used by 18th century naturalist William Bartram in his travels through Georgia interacting with the Creek and Cherokee Peoples and conducting botanical research. Photos below are from the gallery exhibit and touring.

White Water Ironclads – National Civil War Naval Museum, Columbus GA – Waveshaper Island and Riverwalk, Columbus GA
Developed by History Now’s K. Ken Johnston during his tenure at the National Civil War Naval Museum, this outdoor multidisciplinary/Living History/panel exhibit interpreted the actual shooting of Red River rapids by US Navy ironclad gunboats during the American Civil War. Developed in conjunction with the Columbus Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, the program featured a 20′ scale model of a casemate ironclad, several whitewater rafts outfitted with faux casemates shooting the Chattahoochee River rapids, and an interpretive panel with contemporary images of the 1864 event (panel relocated to gallery display in the National Civil War Naval Museum after the program). The photos below are from the event.

The Battle of Hastings – 2021/2022/2023 Braselton Medieval Faire, Braselton GA
This annual hands-on, immersive, Living History exhibit features interpretive text panels, living history demonstrations, and an immersive encampment to give guests a visceral, real connection to life lived 1,000 years ago.